Benchmark MiniROV system
The LBV200-4 is designed with features typically found in larger ROVs. With powerful thrusters, high resolution video over the industry leading low drag tether and an extensive list of available options make the LBV200-4 the perfect inshore/offshore solution.
Powerful and maneuverable thruster configuration
The LBV200-4 is a highly stable small ROV platform equipped with powerful Brushless DC thrusters. 4-axis control provides the operator with total maneuverability.
Industry leading small diameter, low drag tether
SeaBotix is renowned for its impressive small diameter, low drag umbilical. At 9mm (0.35") in diameter the operator controls the ROV, not the tether. The durable all copper tether comes in a variety of lengths.
Highly intuitive integrated control console
The SeaBotix operator control unit (OCU) is widely regarded as the most intuitive. All controls at the operators finger tips in an ergonomic and rugged controller.
High-Quality Video and lighting
The LBV200-4 systems are supplied with the latest Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) color camera technology. Coupled to the color camera is a high intensity LED array providing bright white light throughout the 270º range of view.
Stable balanced MiniROV sensor platform
Unique to the LBV vehicles is the balanced nature of the ROV in water. Careful attention to design and layout provide a small yet stable platform for high quality sensor data acquisition.